Underground Military Base - Albanian soldiers close a gate to the main tunnel of the Gjadar Air Base near the city of Leze on February 5, 2019.

    Recently, I took a deep dive into underground or other hidden military bases around the United States. Today, I'm going around the world. Let's take a look at some of the most impressive military bases around the world.

    Underground Military Base

    Underground Military Base

    To begin with, it is clear that this list will not cover everything. There are about 10,000 underground places in the world and we can only guess how many there are

    Nuclear Military Plant

    The first premise is one you've probably heard of by now because of its recent popularity on the Netflix show Pine Gap. I'll be honest, I had no idea Pine Gap was an actual military base when I watched a few episodes on Netflix. However, this is a foundation that is covered in both security and privacy (and now name recognition) and for those reasons, I like to look at it first.

    Pine Gap is a military base in rural Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia. Pine Gap is actually a US military base in the middle of nowhere in Australia. Before you say it, I know, I'm technically in the US. Cheating a bit from the start including the center run by, but that seems fine since it's the continental US. is far from Like every populated place. the world

    Pine Gap view from the east. (Pine Gap Photo Gallery, Australian Defense Facilities Pine Gap, February 21, 2016, (Nautilus.org)

    Another way to describe Pine Gap is that it is America's largest intelligence collection site. But the best way to describe Pine Gap is that it's where America's best spies and investigators gather, gather intelligence, and deliver that intelligence to the troops who call it its most powerful. More is needed.

    Abandoned Military Base Stock Image. Image Of Urban

    Pine Gap was founded in 1966 and is the US Gathering Intel for the past 55 years. More recently, the intelligence it produces is widely trusted by US Special Forces, the Pentagon, and the president and his military leaders. Pine Gap relies more on SIGINT (signals intelligence) than HUMINT (human intelligence). The only difference between the two is that SIGINT includes intelligence obtained from communications and information systems while HUMINT includes information obtained from our people.

    All kinds of intelligence are necessary to create an image of the enemy. To read more about some of the amazing technology used at the facility, click here.

    Porton Down was founded in 1916 and is the oldest chemical warfare research center in the world. Set on thousands of acres in a remote part of Wiltshire, Porton Down has no shortage of space and mystery, allowing scientists to conduct various experiments on "free" animals, humans and even aliens. is

    Underground Military Base

    Porton Down is similar in its function, legend, and mystery to a famous US military facility: Area 51. Like Area 51, secret scientific experiments take place at Porton Down and there have been many rumors over the years that the agency. Immigrants' homes

    Vintage 1960s Photos Of Nebraska's Underground Military Base

    One has to wonder if myths like the habitation of aliens, whether dead or alive, are embedded in every culture? Like the legend of Bigfoot, the idea that society has hidden entities (such as aliens) is passed down through the generations. Whether it's alien abductions or cover-ups near "secret military bases" or Bigfoot sightings in nearly every wooded area across the country, we humans love to speculate about something we hope exists.

    According to a piece published in the Guardian, another strange and tragic incident occurred at Porton Down during human experiments conducted at the facility. The patron said,

    "In May 1953, the death of a young pilot, Ronald Madison, was re-investigated. He died after Porton's scientists dripped liquid nerve gas into his arm in an experiment […] It is possible that Porton had very used nerve gas on all human subjects, over a longer period of time, than any other science in the world."

    “From a purely scientific point of view, they have produced a great deal of information about the effect of nerve gas on the human body. This information also helped Porton develop the world's most advanced defenses to protect the British armed forces against chemical attack. Porton believes that human trials have made a 'significant contribution' to this conservation.

    Classified Military Object K 825

    This is where we question whether we should really be using living, breathing humans as pigs for testing. Is this different from the Taliban kidnapping someone and using them as a test subject or ballistic dummy for their assassination plans? This is indeed a worthy concern for all of us. Add in all the other human rights issues and you have a very serious problem on your hands.

    Kapustin Yar is a Russian rocket development facility located in Astrakhan Oblast, Russia. Kapustin Yar was established in 1946 on the orders of Joseph Stalin and was primarily used for Russian military rocket tests at the time.

    Like Porton Down, Kapustin Yar is a secret military testing facility. Every place I've talked about so far has one thing in common: they have a clear, stated mission, and then they have a secret, possibly more sinister, purpose. of course Kapustin dude is no different.

    Underground Military Base

    While we know Kapustin Yar has been used to test Russian rockets, there are also rumors that Kapustin Yar also lives a secret double life. The existence of the facility is said to have been discovered only after German military aircraft flew close to the site and after German scientists returned from Russia and what they had seen there. However, the real reason for Kapustin Yar's current existence remains murky.

    American Underground Military Base Illustration

    According to the History Channel, "Kapustin Yar is said to be the place where the Soviet Union's top researchers, scientists and military experts were sent to develop Cold War technology and weapons. In fact, the facility's construction was so secretive that when Soviet forces deemed a nearby town too close for comfort, its inhabitants were driven out of the country and simply evacuated.

    The real secret lies beneath the surface of Kapustin Yar, though. According to various witnesses (who were probably later burned at the stake by Stalin for speaking out about it), there is a highly classified underground space beneath the facility. Kapustin Yar, which is used as a Russian UFO research center. This is the reason why this secret agency makes this secret list.

    Within this highly restricted facility are the seeds of nearly every known plant that has evolved over the past century. The idea here is that in the event of a widespread nuclear war or a major pandemic, countries around the world will have the opportunity to rebuild their countries. Thus, the center has been nicknamed the "Noah's Ark" of seed storage.

    The roof storage area, which is more than 100 meters below the mountain, is divided into countries, and each country has its own seed.

    Tunnels Of Old Bunker. Abandoned Military Base, Military Unit Stock Image

    Because the facility is near the North Pole, both permafrost and thick rock ensure that the seed samples will remain frozen regardless of whether there is a power outage at the facility.

    Within the repository, there are more than a million types of seeds, from common grains to exotic plant seeds and even viruses that help cure various ailments.

    "The seed vault has the capacity to store 4.5 million varieties of crops. Each variety will have about 500 seeds, so about 2.5 billion seeds can be stored in one vault." Currently, the vault contains over 1,000,000 specimens. , from almost every country in the world. From unique African and Asian varieties such as maize, rice, wheat, cowpea and sorghum to European and South American varieties of eggplant, lettuce, barley and potato. In fact, the vault already has the largest stockpile of grain in the world.

    Underground Military Base

    Although the facility is widely known, its location hundreds of meters underground and its potential impact on US and global health warrants inclusion on our list.

    Mysterious, Ice Buried Cold War Military Base May Be Unearthed By Climate Change

    Gjadar Air Base is a former communist base built on a barren hill in northern Albania. However, this base was not a remote Albanian military base. Starting in the mid-1970s it was home to many MiGs and other Soviet and Chinese aircraft.

    The base is buried in the side of a mountain (similar to Svalbard) and is said to have around 2,000 tunnels within its walls. The facility, now used by the Albanian military, was once a bustling mess of tunnels, planes and battles.

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